Saturday, March 5, 2011


A story of Survival and Hope

Fish by L. S. Matthews.  (Delacorte Press, 2004).  183p. Contemporary Literature Junior Book.

A story of a young boy “Tiger” and his family on a journey to escape a war enclosing on the village while keeping his fish alive.

a.         The descriptive words used set the tone and troubles Tiger and his family encounters.
b.         Creating a story set in an area that is on the verge of war and the travel and attempt to keep a fish alive can be difficult to bring the reader in, but with the use of a first person narrator, the reader is afforded the thoughts, desires, and fears of Tiger.  The fish takes on a symbol of hope and safety for the boy, and he goes to great lengths to save the fish, which also becomes the symbols for his parents as well.
c.         “’You just have to keep him wet.  He will live long enough.’  Dad said urgently, ‘In your mouth, now!’ and I took the limp creature from his hand without another word, and slipped him into my mouth” (p. 171) is another demonstration of the tenacity and commitment of Tiger and his family to keep the Fish, and their symbol of hope and perseverance, safe.

Curriculum Connection:  
Fish would be a good extended read aloud book to use for writing prompts.  The situations and trials the boy, his family, and the fish experience provide enough moments with an uncertain future or outcome.  Some of the descriptions are violent, which is appropriate to describe the war affected region the story is set, which is best to be used with upper level elementary or middle school students.

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