Saturday, March 19, 2011

My Name is * Me llamo Gabriela

International Latino Book Award Winner 2006

My Name is *Me llamo Gabriela by Monica Brown.  Illustrations by John Parra. (First Impression, 2005). Biographical Junior Book.

The biography of the life of Gabriela Mistral as an educator, author, and Nobel Prize recipient.

a.         The life story of Gabriela Mistral is expressed in both English and Spanish and visually.
b.         Gabriela’s upbringing and travels are told so the reader can understand what she did in her life that led to being the first Hispanic woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
c.         “My stories traveled the world with me…And because people from all over the world loved my stories so, I was given a very special prize – the Nobel Prize for Literature” (p. 24-26) explains how the stories that Gabriela Mistral has been telling all of her life lad to a coveted award.

Curriculum Connection:  
My Name is * Me llamo Gabriela could be utilized during Hispanic Heritage Month to celebrate Latinos that have made contributions to the world culture.  The story can also enhance a language arts writing prompt where students are studying their own life story. 

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