Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Suitcase of Seaweed

Claremont Stone Center Recognition of Merit Award Winner

A Suitcase of Seaweed and other poems by Janet S. Wong.  (Margaret K. McElderry Books, 1996).  42p. Poetry Junior Book.

A collection of poems representing the multiple facets of growing up multicultural within America.

a.         Wong’s introduction before each cultural section of poems helps the reader make personal connections regardless of ethnicity.
b.         Separating the cultural poetry references – Korean, Chinese, and American – helps Wong compartmentalize her poems while making familial connections anyone can relate to.  The poems are simple yet telling about Wong’s childhood memories.
c.         “Our family / is a quilt / of odd remnants/ patched together/ in a strange/ pattern,/ threads fraying,/ fabric wearing then--/ but made to keep/ its warmth/ even in bitter / cold” (p.42) is easily related to regardless of ethnicity or culture and explains Wong’s heritage and family connections in one simple, easy to read poem.  

Curriculum Connection:  
A Suitcase of Seaweed is a book of poetry that would be a nice addition to a middle school English classroom that is studying the various styles of poetry and how feelings and memories can be conveyed in a few simple words.

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