Friday, January 21, 2011

Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type

Caldecott Honor Book 2001

Citation: Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin.  Illus. By Betsy Lewin, (Scholastic, 2000). 29p. Traditional Picture Book.
Summary: Farmer Brown receives requests and demands from his typing cows.
a.         An entertaining story of farm animal demands.  The storyline progresses using a cause and effect situation by having the cows type their requests for Farmer Brown.
b.      Repetitive language from the cow’s move the story along that leaves the reader smiling and laughing at the cows notes.  Farmer Brown, not willing to be manipulated by typing cows, refuses the request, and as a result must suffer the consequences.  The illustrations enhance the story and help move it along.
c.       “The barn is very cold at night.  We’d like some electric blankets” (p.6) seems like a simple request even though it is a request from a cow.  The request is denied so the cows enlist the help of the hens.  “Closed.  No milk.  No eggs” (p.14).  Finally as a negotiation, Duck becomes the mediator and brokers the deal between Farmer Brown and the cows.  Now the ducks have a typed request for Farmer Brown.

Curriculum Connection:  Farm animals that type is an amusing idea, one that will hold the attention of readers both young and old.  The story is told to showcase requests, demands, negotiations, and compromise.  Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type is a necessary story for every classroom.

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