Monday, January 31, 2011

Book Review Part 2

American Library Association Schneider Family Award Go to Book Links

Schneider Family Book Award is an award presented to books that feature and promote people with disabilities.  The article about the award also offers several books that have been award recipients for multiple grade levels from pre-kindergarten through high school.

ALA Book Links magazine contained articles and information on just about everything related to literature.  There are interviews with authors and summaries of various books.  They have included information on increasing understanding of material, ways to implement and engage students in novels, involve readers of other languages, and enjoy poetry.  There are several books that I written down so that I can reserve them at the library, specifically Do unto Otters:  A Book about Manners by Laurie Keller.  Additionally, Someone Named Eva by Joan Wolf is a book that can provide the story of a Jewish child that was raised as German because of her physical features, and this is a part of history that I have never heard. 

Read Roger: Horn Book
This blog was a little confusing for me until I read several posts and then I realized that he is posting his thoughts.  While there were a few posts that mention the Caldecott and Newberry Awards that included links, there were no posts that directly mentioned the Schneider Family Book Award.  Aside from clinking on the links to other sites, there was information about a Jan Brett contest, and a you tube video that illicit a discussion of the Tiger Mom article.
Heavy Medal
Turtle in Paradise
Heavy Medal blog mentions the Newbery Medal in almost every post.  It discusses books that are on the 2012 list, and winners from previous years.  Shiloh was discussed in passing as part of a list of fantastic middle grade books from the 1990’s.  While I am unfamiliar about several of the books in the list, Shiloh is familiar and a very good book so I am thinking of checking out several of the other books to read and compare my opinions.  I have of course; already put a request in to my library for Turtle in Paradise by Jennifer Holm.  There was no direct mention of the Schneider Family Book Award so I decided to use the search feature to see if it was hidden somewhere.  Alas, there was no match made. 

Planet Esme
Esme mentions both the Newbery and Caldecott Awards, and offers her predictions of medal winners (some of which were correct).  She proclaims that she is a “professional readiologist” and encourages others to join her.  Planet Esme seemed more alive (although not updated since the Meal Winners were announced) by including pictures of the book covers or interior pages.  There was no mention of the Schneider Family Book Award on her blog which was a little disappointing considering she is a “readiologist.” 
Laura’s Life
 Laura is a 5th grade student and is obviously a book enthusiast.  She set a reading goal for herself, met that goal, set a new goal, and continues to read books regularly.  I love that she has found pleasure in attending the ALA discussions and wants to attend the upcoming one in New Orleans.  Laura mentions the Newbery Award and has personal reviews posted of the books, but does not mention the Caldecott Award nor the Schneider Family Book Award.  I enjoy reading classic tales with a new twist, and although Laura was not a proponent of Rapunzel’s Revenge I will have to read it simply to satisfy my curiosity.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure Laura does mention the Schneider somewhere but there's a lot to sift through on her website. It's fascinating to me that a fifth grader has garnered significant attention to her blog and opinions.
